Thursday 5 November 2015

                                  The Web Summit Dublin 2015

I and a few others from my school (including the web team) were lucky enough to be able to attend the last Web Summit that will be held in Dublin. 

From now it will be on in Lisbon, Portugal. We attended the talks that were on in the evening for schools. There were thousands of students there from all over the country. 
First the CEO of the web summit came on stage and welcomed us all and gave us the basic information on the Web Summit.
Then an American man came out to talk about how he used horseshoe crabs to help fight cancer and how he started his research when he was very close to our age.
After that a man came out to tell us about his charity he started called Charity Water. He started the charity when he was in his twenties and has raised so much money for third world countries so far. He encouraged everybody to donate their next birthday to Charity Water.
Then two little girls came out to talk about how they make a device to defend themselves against Bullying called BullyBug. It us a bracelet that you wear that has a button on it that you can press if you are being bullied and it will notify your teacher. They were very innovative for small people 
They were the main points that were on at the Web Summit 2015!

     Horseshoe Crabs                                                                                        
Image result for horseshoe crab -Slayyyy

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